
1. GSAS-II Requirements, Python Packages and External Software

1.1. Supported Platforms

It should be possible to run GSAS-II on any computer where Python 3.7+ and the appropriate required packages are available, as discussed below, but GSAS-II also requires that some code must be compiled. For the following platforms, binary images for this compiled code are currently provided:

  • Windows-10: 64-bit Intel-compatible processors

  • MacOS: Intel processors

  • MacOS: ARM processors, aka Apple Silicon (M1, etc)

  • Linux: 64-bit Intel-compatible processors

  • Linux: ARM processors (64-bit Raspberry Pi OS only)

Details for GSAS-II use on these specific platforms follows below:

  • Windows: self-Installation kits are provided for 64-bit Windows-10 and -11 here. Less testing has been done with Windows-11, but both appear to working interchangeably with respect to GSAS-II.

    In theory it should be possible to run GSAS-II on older versions of Windows, including 32-bit OS versions, but no current installation kit can be provided. Installing GSAS-II will require locating a compatible version (or compiling) Python and the required packages. It may be necessary to recompile the GSAS-II binaries.

  • MacOS: GSAS-II can run natively on Intel (or ARM (“M1”-“M3” aka “Apple Silicon”) processors with relatively current versions of MacOS, with self-installers that can be run from the command-line available for download here. The Intel version will run on both types of Mac processors, but the native ARM versions offer the highest GSAS-II performance we see on any platform.

    It appears that this installer can be used with MacOS versions 11.0 and later. Macs older than Catalina (10.15) will likely require older distributions of Python.

  • Intel Linux: Note that GSAS-II does not get a lot of testing in Linux by us, but is used fairly widely on this platform nonetheless. We provide an installer here that includes Python and needed packages for Intel-compatible Linuxes, but compatibility with older and very new versions of Linux can sometimes be tricky as compatibility libraries may be needed – not always easy to do. It may be better to use your Linux distribution’s versions of Python and packages (typically done with a software tool such as apt or yum or pip. See https://advancedphotonsource.github.io/GSAS-II-tutorials/install-pip.html for more information.

  • Non-Intel Linux: Will GSAS-II run on Linux with other types of CPUs? That will mostly depend on support for Python and wxPython on that CPU. If those can be used, you can likely build the GSAS-II binaries with gcc & gfortran. Expect to modify the SConstruct file.

    Raspberry Pi (ARM) Linux: GSAS-II has been installed on both 32-bit and the 64-bit version of the Raspberry Pi OS (formerly called Raspbian) and compiled binaries are provided at present for both, but the 32-bit support may not continue. It is expected that these binaries will also function on Ubuntu Linux for Raspberry Pi, but this has not been tried. The performance of GSAS-II on a Raspberry Pi is not blindingly fast, but one can indeed run GSAS-II on a motherboard that costs only $15 (perhaps even one that costs $5) and uses <5 Watts!

    Note that the 64-bit OS is preferred on the models where it can be run (currently including models 3A+, 3B, 3B+, 4, 400, CM3, CM3+, CM4, and Zero 2 W) . With the 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS, which does run on all Raspberry Pi models, it is necessary to use the OS distribution’s versions of Python and its packages, see here for more information. With 64-bit Pi OS it may be possible for us to provide a GSAS2FULL installer (which will need to include a custom-supplied wxPython wheel, since that is not available in conda-forge) or else pip must be used to download and build wx. Please let us know if you are intending to use GSAS-II on a Raspberry Pi for a classroom, etc and would need this.

1.2. Version Control

The master version of the source code for GSAS-II resides on GitHub at URL and the git version control system (VCS) is usually used to install the files needed by GSAS-II. When GSAS-II is installed in this manner, the software can be easily updated, as git commands can download only the changed sections of files that need to be updated. It is likewise possible to use git to regress to an older version of GSAS-II, though there are some limitations on how far back older versions of GSAS-II will be with current versions of Python. While git is not required for use of GSAS-II, special procedures must be used to install GSAS-II without it and once installed without git, updates of GSAS-II must be done manually.

We are currently in a transition period to GitHub from a previous subversion server. As we migrate to GitHub, updates will be made in parallel to both servers.

1.3. Python Requirements

GSAS-II requires a standard Python interpreter to be installed, as well as several separately-developed packages that are not supplied with Python, as are described below. While for some packages, we have not seen much dependence on versions, for others we do find significant differences; this is also discussed further below. The GSAS-II GUI will warn about Python and packages versions that are believed to be problematic, as defined in variable GSASIIdataGUI.versionDict, but for new installations we are currently recommending the following interpreter/package versions:

  • Python 3.11 is recommended. GSAS-II should run with any Python version from 3.7 or later, but you will need to locate (from the old subversion server) or locate binaries to match that Python version.

  • wxPython 4.2 or later is recommended, but with Python <=3.9 any wx4.x version should be OK. However, there may be problems with newer sections of the GUI with wx <4.0.

  • NumPy 1.26 recommended, but anything from 1.17 on is likely fine, but does need to approximately match the GSAS-II binaries.

  • matplotlib 3.6 is recommended, but 3.4 or later is preferred.

  • pyOpenGL: no version-related problems have been seen.

  • SciPy: no version-related problems have been seen, but in at least one case multiple imports are tried to account for where function names have changed.

For more details on problems noted with specific versions of Python and Python packages, see comments below and details here: GSASIIdataGUI.versionDict,

Note that GSAS-II is currently being developed using Python 3.11. We are seeing compilation problems with Python 3.12 that will be addressed later via the build migration to meson. We are no longer supporting Python 2.7 and <=3.6, and strongly encourage that systems running GSAS-II under these older Python versions reinstall Python. Typically this is done by reinstalling GSAS-II from a current self-installer.

There are a number of ways to install Python plus the packages needed by GSAS-II. See https://advancedphotonsource.github.io/GSAS-II-tutorials/install.html and links therein for a discussion of installation.

Python package requirements depend on how GSAS-II will be run, as will be discussed in the next section. In order to run the GUI for GSAS-II, a much larger number of packages are required. Several more packages are optional, but some functionally will not be available without those optional packages. Far fewer packages are required to run GSAS-II on a compute server via the scripting interface and without a GUI.

1.4. GUI Requirements

When using the GSAS-II graphical user interface (GUI), the following Python extension packages are required:

GSAS-II will not start if the above packages are not available. In addition, several Python packages are referenced in sections of the GUI code, but are not required. If these packages are not present, warning messages may be generated if they would be needed, or menu items may be omitted, but the vast bulk of GSAS-II will function normally. These optional packages are:

  • gitpython: (https://gitpython.readthedocs.io and https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython). This this package provides a bridge between the git version control system and Python. It is required for the standard GSAS-II installation process and for GSAS-II to update itself from GitHub. If your computer does not already have git in the path, also include the git package to obtain that binary (if you are not sure, it does not hurt to do this anyway).

  • requests: this package simplifies http access (https://requests.readthedocs.io/). It is used for access to webpages such as ISODISTORT and for some internal software downloads. It is required for support of git updating and installation.

  • Pillow (https://pillow.readthedocs.org) or PIL (http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/). This is used to read and save certain types of images.

  • h5py is the HDF5 interface and hdf5 is the support package. These packages are (not surprisingly) required to import images from HDF5 files. If these libraries are not present, the HDF5 importer(s) will not appear in the import menu and a warning message appears on GSAS-II startup.

  • imageio is used to make movies. This is optional and is offered for plotting superspace (modulated) structures.

  • win32com (windows only): this module is used to install GSAS-II on windows machines. GSAS-II can be used on Windows without this, but the installation will offer less integration into Windows. Conda provides this under the name pywin32.

  • conda: the conda package allows access to package installation, etc. features from inside Python. It is not required but is helpful to have, as it allows GSAS-II to install some packages that are not supplied initially. The conda package is included by default in the base miniconda and anaconda installations, but if you create an environment for GSAS-II (conda create -n <env> package-list…), it will not be added to that environment unless you request it specifically.

Conda command:

Should you wish to install Python and the desired packages yourself, this is certainly possible. For Linux, apt or yum is an option, as is homebrew. Homebrew is a good option on MacOS. However, we recommend use of the miniforge self-installers from conda-forge. Here is a typical conda command used to install a GSAS-II compatible Python interpreter after miniforge has been installed:

conda install python=3.11  numpy=1.26 wxpython scipy matplotlib pyopengl pillow h5py imageio requests git gitpython -c conda-forge

for development environments, it is useful to have build and debugging tools available, so here is a more extensive list of useful packages:

conda create -n py311 python=3.11 numpy=1.26 matplotlib scipy wxpython  pyopengl imageio h5py hdf5 pillow requests ipython conda spyder-kernels scons sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme jupyter git gitpython -c conda-forge

To find out what packages have been directly installed in a conda environment this command can be used:

conda env export --from-history -n <env>

1.5. Scripting Requirements

The GSAS-II scripting interface (GSASIIscriptable) will not run without two Python extension packages:

These fortunately are common and are easy to install. There are some relatively minor scripting capabilities that will only run when a few additional packages are installed:

but none of these are required to run scripts and the vast majority of scripts will not need these packages.

Installing a minimal Python configuration:

There are many ways to install a minimal Python configuration. Below, I show some example commands used to install using the the free miniconda installer from Anaconda, Inc., but I now tend to use the Conda-Forge miniforge distributions instead. However, there are also plenty of other ways to install Python, Numpy and Scipy, depending on if they will be used on Linux, Windows and MacOS. For Linux, the standard Linux distributions provide these using yum or apt-get etc., but these often supply package versions that are so new that they probably have not been tested with GSAS-II.

bash ~/Downloads/Miniconda3-latest-<platform>-x86_64.sh -b -p /loc/pyg2script
source /loc/pyg2script/bin/activate
conda install numpy scipy matplotlib pillow h5py hdf5

Some discussion on these commands follows:

  • the 1st command (bash) assumes that the appropriate version of Miniconda has been downloaded from https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html and /loc/pyg2script is where I have selected for python to be installed. You might want to use something like ~/pyg2script.

  • the 2nd command (source) is needed to access Python with miniconda.

  • the 3rd command (conda) installs all possible packages that might be used by scripting, but matplotlib, pillow, and hdf5 are not commonly needed and could be omitted.

Once Python has been installed and is in the path, use these commands to install GSAS-II:

git clone https://github.com/AdvancedPhotonSource/GSAS-II.git /loc/GSAS-II
python /loc/GSAS-II/GSASII/GSASIIscriptable.py

Notes on these commands:

  • the 1st command (git) is used to download the GSAS-II software. /loc/GSASII is the location where I decided to install the software. You can select something different.

  • the 2nd command (python) is used to invoke GSAS-II scriptable for the first time, which is needed to load the binary files from the server.

1.6. Optional Python Packages

  • Sphinx (https://www.sphinx-doc.org) is used to generate the documentation you are currently reading. Generation of this documentation is not generally something needed by users or even most code developers, since the prepared documentation on https://gsas-ii.readthedocs.io is usually reasonably up to date.

  • SCons (https://scons.org/) is used to compile the relatively small amount of

    Fortran code that is included with GSAS-II. Use of this is discussed in the next section of this chapter.

1.7. Required Binary Files

As noted before, GSAS-II also requires that some code be compiled. For the following platforms, binary images are provided at https://github.com/AdvancedPhotonSource/GSAS-II-buildtools/releases/latest for Python 3.11 and NumPy 1.26:

  • Windows-10: 64-bit Intel-compatible processors.

  • MacOS: Intel processors.

  • MacOS: ARM processors, aka Apple Silicon (M1, etc).

  • Linux: 64-bit Intel-compatible processors.

  • Linux: ARM processors (64-bit and 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS and Ubuntu for Raspberry Pi).

Note that these binaries must match the major versions of both Python and NumPy; Should one wish to run GSAS-II where binary files are not supplied (such as 32-bit Windows or Linux) or with other combinations of Python/NumPy, compilation will be need to be done by the user. See the compilation information for more information.

1.8. Supported Externally-Developed Software

GSAS-II provides interfaces to use a number of programs developed by others. Some are included with GSAS-II and others must be installed separately. When these programs are accessed, citation information is provided as we hope that users will recognize the contribution made by the authors of these programs and will honor those efforts by citing that work in addition to GSAS-II.

GSAS-II includes copies of the following programs. No additional steps beyond a standard installation are needed to access their functionality.


Simulate layered structures with faulting. https://www.public.asu.edu/~mtreacy/DIFFaX.html


A software library that reads and writes files using the IUCr’s Crystallographic Information Framework (CIF). https://bitbucket.org/jamesrhester/pycifrw. GSAS-II uses this to read data and structures from CIF files,


Derives the shapes of particles from small angle scattering data.


Use Fundamental Parameters to determine GSAS-II profile function


Searches for higher symmetry unit cells and possible relationships between unit cells. An API has been written and this will be integrated into the GSAS-II GUI.


Determines a background for a powder pattern in the “autobackground” option. See https://pybaselines.readthedocs.io for more information.

The following web services can also be accessed from computers that have internet access. All software needed for this access is included with GSAS-II.

Bilbao Crystallographic Server (https://www.cryst.ehu.es):

GSAS-II can directly access the Bilbao Crystallographic Server to utilize the k-SUBGROUPSMAG, k-SUBGROUPS and PseudoLattice web utilities for computation of space group subgroups, color (magnetic) subgroups & lattice search.

BYU ISOTROPY Software Suite (https://stokes.byu.edu/iso/isotropy.php):

GSAS-II directly accesses capabilities in the ISOTROPY Software Suite from Brigham Young University for representational analysis and magnetism analysis.

At the request of the program authors, other programs that can be accessed within GSAS-II are not included as part of the GSAS-II distribution and must be installed separately:


Computes enhanced Fourier maps with Maximum Entropy estimated extension of the reflection sphere. See https://jp-minerals.org/dysnomia/en/.


Provides large-box PDF & S(Q) fitting. The GSAS-II interface was originally written for use with release 6.7.7 of RMCProfile, but updates have been made for compatible with 6.7.9 as well. RMCProfile must be downloaded by the user from http://rmcprofile.org/Downloads or https://rmcprofile.pages.ornl.gov/nav_pages/download/


A modern software framework for large-box PDF & S(Q) fitting. Note that the GSAS-II implementation is not compatible with the last open-source version of fullrmc, but rather the version 5.0 must be used, which is distributed only as compiled versions and only for 64-bit Intel-compatible processors running Windows, Linux and MacOS. Download this as a single executable from website https://github.com/bachiraoun/fullrmc/tree/master/standalones. GSAS-II will offer to install this software into the binary directory when the fullrmc option is selected on the Phase/RMC tab.


For small-box fitting of PDFs; see https://github.com/diffpy/diffpy.pdffit2#pdffit2. This code is no longer being updated by the authors, but is still quite useful. It is supplied within GSAS-II for Python 3.7. It is likely best to install a separate Python interpreter specifically for PDFfit2. When GSAS-II is run from a Python installation that includes the conda package manager (the usual installation practice), the GUI will offer an option to install PDFfit2 via a separate environment when the PDFfit2 option is selected on the Phase/RMC tab.